
Through significant contributions for betterment of cycling culture and infrastructure, NCS strives to:

  • Implement integrated transportation systems, maintain traffic culture and establish appropriate rules and civic sense through campaigns and awareness activities.
  • Enhance/ preserve the road system by providing necessary support in traffic management, encourage environment-friendly and healthy day-to-day movement of cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Collaborate and coordinate with local, state and central government by lobbying and advocating to promote cycle-friendly, pedestrian-friendly and wheelchair-friendly environment.
  • Provide technical support and assist in designing cycle friendly infrastructures such as cycle lanes, corridors, footpaths, signage, etc. by conducting research, consultation and advocating to concerned organizations and individuals/ stakeholders.
  • Facilitate a smooth social movement to allow non motorized mobility such as pedestrians, wheelchair-users and cyclists toward safe and accessible commutes.
  • Organize different awareness events and programs for inclusive footpaths, wheelchair as well as cycle lanes as their public rights and welfare.
  • Raise campaigning voices in order to expand and protect common/ open public spaces as a pause/rest point for non motorized mobility user.
  • Cooperate and collaborate with concerned NGOs, INGOS, and other agencies for the common goal of developing cycle infrastructure in Nepal.
  • Promote cycling culture/ non motorized mobility culture for the next generations as a sustainable urban mobility tool.