Study on making Lalitpur cycle friendly city

Each and every study of the Traffic Transportation network of Kathmandu valley ends up recommending promotion of cycle friendly transportation network. Yet, the implementation phase never sees a usable cycle lane/track and the road expansion ends up accommodating more motorized vehicle, only. Time and again, it has been visually observed that increasing road width to accommodate more private vehicles is not going to increase mobility, at least not in the long run. However, promoting cycling helps create safer, vibrant, cleaner and healthy cities which is especially true for compact cities like Lalitpur. Especially important is the fact that the narrow streets of old settlements of Kathmandu and Lalitpur looks better without environment and sound pollution motorized vehicles.  “Anybody who seeds roads will harvest only traffic.” –New Mobility Paradigm.


The main goal of the study is to prepare a practical document outlining the steps and inputs required to promote cycling and make Lalitpur Metropolitan city a cycling friendly metropolitan area, and help make cycling popular in Kathmandu Valley again.

Some of the objectives of the study include

  1. To prepare visionary long-term cycle city master plan within study area to help implement safe cycling infrastructure for all residents. 
  2. To design and identify locations of unique and affordable cycle stands in the study area. 
  3. Prepare general implementation plan of prioritized projects ( at least 1 pilot cycle lanes)
  4. To propose possible regulations, policies and guidelines to be adopted by local authority for promotion of safe cycling culture in city.